Service Area

The RKMB service area, including primary, secondary, and tertiary areas, is shown on the map above. The Bank’s service area is based on its native and adjacent Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs), within the Trinity River basin, as well as its native and adjacent EPA Level III Ecoregions. All service areas are within the boundaries of the US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District.

The Bank’s primary service area consists of the USGS 8-digit HUC (12030109) where the Bank is located. The secondary service area is determined by the overlap of the Bank’s native Level III Ecoregion (Texas Blackland Prairie) and adjacent 8-digit HUCs within the Upper Trinity River basin. The Bank’s secondary service area is comprised of those portions of adjacent HUCs 12030102, 12030105, and 12030108 that are within the Texas Blackland Prairie Ecoregion. Finally, the tertiary service area is comprised of the overlap of the Bank’s adjacent HUCs and the Bank’s adjacent Level III Ecoregions (Cross Timbers and East Central Texas Plains) within the Trinity River basin. The Bank’s tertiary service area is comprised of those portions of HUCs 12030102, 12030105, and 12030108 that are within the Cross Timbers and East Texas Plains Ecoregions.

If your project is not in the RKMB service area but also not in the service area of another bank, you can still mitigate your project’s impacts at RKMB, subject to USACE approval. Please contact us online and we’ll be glad to help coordinate that effort!